Eee PC Benchmarks
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Revision as of 18:49, 22 December 2007 by Ivc (talk | contribs) (Eee PC Overclocking moved to Eee PC Benchmarks)
The is CPU frequency is calculated by multiplying the FSB with the multiplier of the CPU. Front-Side-Bus (FSB) frequency is the speed between the CPU and Memory Controller (ICH6), and quad-pumped (4x bus speed). The DDR2 Memory speed is between the Memory Module and Memory Controller, it's double-pumped (2x bus speed) and dual-rated. The bus speed is the base clock speed provided by the Phase-Locked-Loop generator.
To get the actual processor speed in linux, the 'p4_clockmod' module has to be unloaded, 'rmmod p4_clockmod'. Get the CPU information by 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' in a terminal window.
The temperature can be found by executing 'cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ00/temperature'.
Overclock #1
- CPU frequency:
- FSB frequency:
- Bus speed:
- Temperature/fan trigger: