RC Helicopters

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Electronic RC helicopters are simpler and easier to maintain than their nitro counterpart. Less parts also means makes it possible to make smaller scale models. Battery longevity has never been better with the latest Lithium Polymer (LiPo) technology.



  • Futaba 6EX 2.4GHz - Review
  • Futaba 7C 2.4GHz - Review
  • Spectrum DX7 - Timer, subtrims, and deidcated idle curve switch [1]


  • Bantam BC-6 Multi-Chemisty Battery - Recmd Review Vs EOS0606i
  • Hyperion EOS0606i AC/DC 6S 6A 220V/12V
  • Align RCC-6CX
  • Hyperion EOS 0403i DC 4S 3A

Be aware of clones manufactured by iMax and Turnigy.

Spare Parts Suppliers

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