IPhone Perl MP3tag
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Install Perl
From the Installer.app, install the Perl package.
Copy make
Copy the make build tool into /usr/bin and make it executable:
chmod +x /usr/bin/make
Compile MP3 Tag
Download the MP3 Tag module (right side on the page) onto the iPhone.
Extract the package and compile the module:
tar zxvf MP3-Tag-0.92.tar.gz
Create the make file:
/opt/iphone/binperl Makefile.PL
Compile and install the module:
make make test make install
Read ID3 tag
Create a new file and put these lines [1]:
#!/opt/iphone/bin/perl # use module use MP3::Tag; # set filename of MP3 track $filename = $ARGV[$0]; # create new MP3-Tag object $mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($filename); # get tag information $mp3->get_tags(); # check to see if an ID3v1 tag exists # if it does, print track information if (exists $mp3->{ID3v1}) { print "Filename: $filename\n"; print "Artist: " . $mp3->{ID3v1}->artist . "\n"; print "Title: " . $mp3->{ID3v1}->title . "\n"; print "Album: " . $mp3->{ID3v1}->album . "\n"; print "Year: " . $mp3->{ID3v1}->year . "\n"; print "Genre: " . $mp3->{ID3v1}->genre . "\n"; } # clean up $mp3->close();
And make it executable:
chmod +x read_tag.pl
Test the output:
./read_tag.pl test2.mp3