By ivc at 14:29, May 28, 2008
I can’t remember how many times I’ve had the need for a bootable CD-R/DVD-R to boot into DOS to do some trivial task, like flashing a BIOS or duplicating a hard drive.
As a reference for myself I’ve created a quick entry to show how to use a regular downloadable floppy image and an image utility to create a bootable disc including all the files you want to execute once DOS has been loaded.
By ivc at 20:57, May 21, 2008
Recently I’ve received some blog comments spam. I received an e-mail for each new comment but I didn’t bother much about it.
Now, today after updating my e-mail server to better fight spam and bounce spam, I decided to do a clean-up of the blog comments. A quick search for ‘wordpress captcha plugin’ reveal a type of captcha I remeber liking because it wasn’t that unfriendly and time consuming to figure out. It’s called Recaptcha. It requires a API key since it’s essentially streaming the code in the background to the Recaptcha servers.

Hopefully this isn’t to intrusive and bothersome. It cuts out all the un-necessary spam I was receiving and I’m happy about that.
Update: Recently I discovered that Recaptcha actually helps the Internet Archive project and digitize books, thus helps the optical character recogonition (OCR) system.