TBS Discovery

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Revision as of 08:28, 8 July 2012 by Ivc (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Team BlackSheep (TBS) Discovery is a purpose made FPV platform, based on the DJI F450 setup. ''Researched only'' == My setup == === Base setup === * '''Motor:''' RCTimer 2...")
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The Team BlackSheep (TBS) Discovery is a purpose made FPV platform, based on the DJI F450 setup.

Researched only

My setup

Base setup

  • Motor: RCTimer 2830-14 750 Kv outrunner motor
  • Propellers (4x): Gaui 10x5 propeller with 5.0 mm collet adaptor for 3.17 mm shaft
  • ESC: RCTimer 25A Brushless Programmable ESC with bare leads
  • Flight Controller: DJI NAZA-M flight control
  • Receiver: FrSky D6FR 2.4 GHz ACCST 6 channel two-way receiver
  • Transmitter: Spektrum DX7 radio with FrSky DHT 2.4 GHz 60mW transmitter
  • Battery: Turnigy nano-tech 3300mah 35~70C 4SP1 11.1V Lithium-ion Polymer x gram battery