WPA Attack

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Revision as of 14:33, 25 August 2009 by Ivc (talk | contribs) (New page: WPA is the precursor to WEP and filled a need as a replacement for the fully disclosed and unsecure WEP encryption. == Background == * [http://pyrit.wordpress.com/the-twilight-of-wi-fi-pr...)
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WPA is the precursor to WEP and filled a need as a replacement for the fully disclosed and unsecure WEP encryption.



  • pyrit blog
    • Pre-compute PMK keys
    • GPGPU acceleration
  • coWPAtty
    • WPA-PSK attack using 4-way handshake dump and ESSID
    • Passthrough from Pyrite possible (GPGPU accelerated)
    • Pre-computed PMK tables supported