MediaWiki Tricks
From ivc wiki
Revision as of 23:24, 14 June 2008 by Ivc (talk | contribs) (MediaWiki tricks moved to MediaWiki Tricks) mirror
To use the excellent mirror service to host the thumbnail pictures (File:Picture.jpg this trick will rewrite the url to include
File: includes/Linker.php, line 581 (v1.11.1):
Original line:
return str_replace("\n", ' ',$prefix.$s.$postfix);
New edit:
return str_replace("\n", ' ',$prefix.str_replace("<img alt=\"\" src=\"/wiki/","<img alt=\"\" src=\"",$s).$postfix);
To add new boxes the the left menu, each box has to be hard coded into the MonoBook.php skin file.
File: skins/MonoBook.php, line 164 to add a box under the navigation (v1.11.1):
Search portion:
<?php } ?> <div id="p-search" class="portlet">
New box:
<div class='portlet'> <h5>site support</h5> </div>