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As a Telenor mobile subscriber, you have the possiblity to send SMS messages via their website. Also, for as long as I can remember, the first 30 messages each month are free.
This is a simple script I made to simplify the process. Instead of having to log-in to post a message, why not do it from the command-line.
Telenor Norway
I've used the script below to create a new website, called You only need to provide the Telenor subscription details and fill in the recipient's phone number and end message. You can choose to click 'Remember' to automatically fill inn the log-in credentials on subsequent visits to the site.
Shell script
The shell script utilizes wget for the web-requests and has some sanitation, error, and debugging functionality. Please feel free to alter the script and give me suggestions for improvements.
#!/bin/sh # # Telenor Send SMS Script - by ivc # # 2009-02-03: Initial version # # Settings username=<your telenor cellnumber> password=<account password> debug=false # Rest of the script, no editing needed tonumber=$1 message=`echo $@|sed -e 's/'"$tonumber"' //g' -e 's/ /%20/g'` cwd=`dirname $0` cookiesfile=$cwd/telenor_cookies.txt echo -e "\n Telenor Send SMS Shell Script - by ivc\n" # Some sanitation if [ -z `which wget` ]; then echo -e " wget binary is missing or is not in the path, install wget and get back to the script.\n"; exit; fi; if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ]; then echo -e " Missing arguments!\n\n Usage: $0 <number> <text message>\n E.g. $0 99933322 Hi m8, bouldering today?\n"; exit; fi # Debug mesages and setup if [ $debug == true ]; then echo " Sending message \"$message\" to number $tonumber"; fi # Login echo -e " Logging in..." login=`wget --quiet -O- --save-cookies=$cookiesfile --keep-session-cookies \ --post-data="j_username=$username&j_password=$password&fromweb=undefined"` if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$login"; fi loginsuccessful=`echo $login|grep "$username"` toomanyattempt=`echo $login|grep "sperret"` if [ -n "$loginsuccessful" ]; then echo -e " Successfully logged in."; elif [ -n "$toomanyattempt" ]; then echo -e " Server reports too many failed attempts, try again in 30 minutes.\n"; exit; else echo -e " Failed to log in, check the username and password!\n"; exit; fi # Send SMS echo -e " Sending message..." sendsms=`wget --quiet -O- --load-cookies=$cookiesfile --keep-session-cookies \ --post-data="toAddress=$tonumber&message=$message&b_send=Send"` if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$sendsms"; fi sendsmssuccessful=`echo $sendsms|grep "Meldingen er sendt"` if [ -n "$sendsmssuccessful" ]; then echo -e " Message sent!"; else echo -e " Failed to send message, try again later.\n"; exit; fi # SMS left count smsleft=`wget --quiet -O- --load-cookies=$cookiesfile --keep-session-cookies` if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$smsleft"; fi smsleftcount=`echo $smsleft|awk -F"web: " '{print $2}'|sed 's/<br\/>/ /g'|cut -d" " -f1` if [ -n "$smsleftcount" ]; then echo -e "\n Number of free web SMS messages left: $smsleftcount\n"; fi # Delete cookies file rm -f "$cookiefile"
Save it as and make it executable, chmod +x
mIRC script
mIRC is an IRC client and is used to chat to people all around the world, in different channels.
This script is something I wrote and put together in 2005. The original script still works in 2009, showing the conservatism and reliance that is Telenor.
- Load script, one time event, in status window: /load -rs telenorsms_v2.mrc
- Set your Telenor subscription phone number/login id: /telenorsms <number>
- Set the login password: /telenorsms <pass>
- Send message: /telenorsms <recipient> <message>
; TelenorSMS v2 - ivc 2006 ; ; Ref: ; CONFIGURE alias telenorsms { sockclose telenor_send set %telenor_num $1 set %telenor_msg $2- if ($1 == phone) && ($2 != $null) { set %telenor_phone $2 | echo -a TelenorSMS - Phone number $2 saved. | halt } if ($1 == pass) && ($2 != $null) { set %telenor_pass $2 | echo -a TelenorSMS - Password saved. | halt } if ($1 == remove) && ($2 != $null) { unset %telenor_phone | unset %telenor_pass | echo -a TelenorSMS - Settings cleared. | halt } if (%telenor_phone == $null) { echo -a TelenorSMS - Please configure your telenor phone number setting - /telenorsms phone <telenor mobil number> | halt } if (%telenor_pass == $null) { echo -a TelenorSMS - Please configure your password setting - /telenorsms pass < pass> | halt } echo -a TelenorSMS - Logging in... sockopen telenor_login 80 } ; LOGIN on *:sockopen:telenor_login:{ sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+ %telenor_phone $+ &password= $+ %telenor_pass HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf } on *:SOCKREAD:telenor_login: { if ($sockerr > 0) { return } var %tmp | sockread %tmp while ($sockbr) { if ( Set-Cookie: u* path=/ iswm %tmp ) { ; Set-Cookie: umswebsession=D1q2wh1DM2Sy2hjCZ8R3lgjDSwWGCtQL1gxy7vqJQ0LnTHNTC3wT!-997926277; path=/ set %telenor_cookie1 $telenor_getvariables(%tmp) } if ( Set-Cookie: T* path=/ iswm %tmp ) { ; Set-Cookie: TelenorSession=ASPSESSION=285799310&COMMONSESSION=9000000013566319; path=/ set %telenor_cookie2 $telenor_getvariables(%tmp) } sockread %tmp } echo -a TelenorSMS - Getting session token... timer 1 1 sockopen telenor_token 80 return } alias telenor_getvariables { var %tmp %i = $regsub($1-,Set-Cookie: ,$chr(32),%tmp) %i = $regsub(%tmp,; path=/,$chr(32),%tmp) return %tmp } ; READ TOKEN on *:sockopen:telenor_token:{ sockwrite -n $sockname GET HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname Cookie: %telenor_cookie1 $+ ; %telenor_cookie2 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf } on *:SOCKREAD:telenor_token: { sockclose telenor_login if ($sockerr > 0) { return } var %tmp | sockread %tmp while ($sockbr) { ;echo -a tokenpage: %tmp
if (( "> isin %tmp ) && ( ue=" isin %tmp )) {
set %telenor_token $telenor_getvariables2(%tmp) ;echo -a found token: �4 $+ %tmp $+ � } if ( SMS fra web: isin %tmp ) { set %telenor_smsleft $telenor_getvariables3(%tmp) ;echo -a sms left found: �4 $+ %tmp $+ � } sockread %tmp } timer 1 1 sockopen telenor_send 80 return } ; GET TOKEN alias telenor_getvariables2 { var %tmp %i = $regsub($1-,.*ue=\" ,$chr(32),%tmp)
%i = $regsub(%tmp,\">,$chr(32),%tmp)
return %tmp } ; SMS LEFT COUNT alias telenor_getvariables3 { var %tmp %i = $regsub($1-,.*SMS fra web: ,$chr(32),%tmp)
%i = $regsub(%tmp,,$chr(32),%tmp) return %tmp } ; SEND SMS on *:sockopen:telenor_send:{ sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+ %telenor_cookie1 $+ & $+ %telenor_cookie2 $+ &toAddress= $+ %telenor_num $+ &message= $+ %telenor_msg $+ &multipleMessages=true&b_send=&org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN= $+ %telenor_token HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname Cookie: %telenor_cookie1 $+ ; %telenor_cookie2 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf } on *:SOCKREAD:telenor_send: { sockclose telenor_token if ($sockerr > 0) { return } var %tmp | sockread %tmp while ($sockbr) { ;echo -a successpage: %tmp if ( *feil* iswm %tmp ) { echo -a TelenorSMS - Error } if ( *logg inn* iswm %tmp ) { echo -a TelenorSMS - Not logged in } if ( *logg ut* iswm %tmp ) { echo -a TelenorSMS - Sending message... } if ( *angi adresse* iswm %tmp ) { echo -a TelenorSMS - Missing number - Usage: /telenorsms <receiver's number> <message> } if ( *angi innhold* iswm %tmp ) { echo -a TelenorSMS - Missing content - Usage: /telenorsms <receiver's number> <message> } if ( *Meldingen ble ikke sendt* iswm %tmp ) { echo -a TelenorSMS - Failed to send message! } if ( *Meldingen er sendt* iswm %tmp ) { echo -a TelenorSMS - Message successfully sent! Free SMS left: %telenor_smsleft } sockread %tmp } unset %telenor_msg unset %telenor_num unset %telenor_cookie1 unset %telenor_cookie2 unset %telenor_sent unset %telenor_sent2 unset %telenor_token return }
Telenor Sweden
Anton Johansson sent me a modified version for Telenor Sweden. Just minor adjustments had to be made.
#!/bin/sh # # Telenor Send SMS Script - by ivc # # 2009-02-03: Initial version # # Settings username= password= debug=false # Rest of the script, no editing needed tonumber=$1 message=`echo $@|sed -e 's/'"$tonumber"' //g' -e 's/ /%20/g'` cwd=`dirname $0` cookiesfile="telenor_cookies.txt" echo -e "\n Telenor Send SMS Shell Script - by ivc\n" # Some sanitation if [ -z `which wget` ]; then echo -e " wget binary is missing or is not in the path, install wget and get back to the script.\n"; exit; fi; if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ]; then echo -e " Missing arguments!\n\n Usage: $0 <number> <text message>\n E.g. $0 99933322 Hi m8, bouldering today?\n"; exit; fi # Debug mesages and setup if [ $debug == true ]; then echo " Sending message \"$message\" to number $tonumber"; fi # Login echo -e " Logging in..." login=`wget --quiet --no-check-certificate -O- --save-cookies=$cookiesfile --keep-session-cookies \ --post-data="msisdn=$username&password=$password"` if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$login"; fi loginsuccessful=`echo $login|grep "Logga ut"` toomanyattempt=`echo $login|grep "nger och har blivit utel"` if [ -n "$loginsuccessful" ]; then echo -e " Successfully logged in."; elif [ -n "$toomanyattempt" ]; then echo -e " Server reports too many failed attempts, you need to change your password manually.\n"; exit; else echo -e " Failed to log in, check the username and password!\n"; exit; fi # Send SMS -O- --quiet echo -e " Sending message..." sendsms=`wget -O- --quiet --load-cookies=$cookiesfile --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate \ --post-data="currentBtn=mainSendButton&comingFromMain=true&singleName=$tonumber&smsText=$message&endPhrase="` if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$sendsms"; fi sendsmssuccessful=`echo $sendsms|grep "Dina SMS har skickats till"` if [ -n "$sendsmssuccessful" ]; then echo -e " Message sent!"; else echo -e " Failed to send message, try again later.\n"; fi # SMS left count smsleft=`wget --quiet -O- --load-cookies=$cookiesfile --no-check-certificate --keep-session-cookies` if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$smsleft"; fi smsleftcount=`echo $smsleft|awk -F"skickat " '{print $2}'|sed 's/<\/b>/ /g'|cut -d" " -f1` if [ -n "$smsleftcount" ]; then echo -e "\n You have sent: $smsleftcount messages this month.\n"; fi # Delete cookies file rm -f "$cookiesfile"
Save it as and make it executable, chmod +x