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No edit summary
Line 107: Line 107:
  if [ -z `which wget` ]; then echo -e "  wget binary is missing or is not in the path, install wget and get back to the script.\n"; exit; fi;
  if [ -z `which wget` ]; then echo -e "  wget binary is missing or is not in the path, install wget and get back to the script.\n"; exit; fi;
  if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ]; then echo -e "  Missing arguments!\n\n  Usage: $0 <number> <text message>\n  E.g. $0 99933322 Hi m8, bouldering today?\n"; exit; fi
  if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ]; then echo -e "  Missing arguments!\n\n  Usage: $0 <number> <text message>\n  E.g. $0 99933322 Hi m8, bouldering today?\n"; exit; fi
  # Debug mesages and setup
  # Debug mesages and setup
  if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "  Sending message \"$message\" to number $tonumber"; fi
  if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "  Sending message \"$message\" to number $tonumber"; fi
Line 150: Line 150:
  # Delete cookies file
  # Delete cookies file
  rm -f "$cookiesfile"
  rm -f "$cookiesfile"

== References ==
== References ==

Revision as of 13:26, 18 March 2009

As a Telenor mobile subscriber, you have the possiblity to send SMS messages via their website. Also, for as long as I can remember, the first 30 messages each month are free.

This is a simple script I made to simplify the process. Instead of having to log-in to post a message, why not do it from the command-line.

Telenor Norway

Shell script

The shell script utilizes wget for the web-requests and has some sanitation, error, and debugging functionality. Please feel free to alter the script and give me suggestions for improvements.

# Telenor Send SMS Script - by ivc
# 2009-02-03: Initial version

# Settings
username=<your telenor cellnumber>
password=<account password>

# Rest of the script, no editing needed
message=`echo $@|sed -e 's/'"$tonumber"' //g' -e 's/ /%20/g'`
cwd=`dirname $0`

echo -e "\n Telenor Send SMS Shell Script - by ivc\n"

# Some sanitation
if [ -z `which wget` ]; then echo -e "  wget binary is missing or is not in the path, install wget and get back to the script.\n"; exit; fi;
if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ]; then echo -e "  Missing arguments!\n\n  Usage: $0 <number> <text message>\n  E.g. $0 99933322 Hi m8, bouldering today?\n"; exit; fi

# Debug mesages and setup
if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "  Sending message \"$message\" to number $tonumber"; fi

# Login
echo -e "  Logging in..."
login=`wget --quiet -O- --save-cookies=$cookiesfile --keep-session-cookies \

if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$login"; fi

loginsuccessful=`echo $login|grep "$username"`
toomanyattempt=`echo $login|grep "sperret"`

if [ -n "$loginsuccessful" ]; then echo -e "  Successfully logged in.";
elif [ -n "$toomanyattempt" ]; then echo -e "  Server reports too many failed attempts, try again in 30 minutes.\n"; exit;
else echo -e "  Failed to log in, check the username and password!\n"; exit; fi

# Send SMS
echo -e "  Sending message..."
sendsms=`wget --quiet -O- --load-cookies=$cookiesfile --keep-session-cookies \

if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$sendsms"; fi

sendsmssuccessful=`echo $sendsms|grep "Meldingen er sendt"`

if [ -n "$sendsmssuccessful" ]; then echo -e "  Message sent!"; else echo -e "  Failed to send message, try again later.\n"; exit; fi

# SMS left count
smsleft=`wget --quiet -O- --load-cookies=$cookiesfile --keep-session-cookies`

if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$smsleft"; fi

smsleftcount=`echo $smsleft|awk -F"web: " '{print $2}'|sed 's/<br\/>/ /g'|cut -d" " -f1`

if [ -n "$smsleftcount" ]; then echo -e "\n  Number of free web SMS messages left: $smsleftcount\n"; fi

# Delete cookies file
rm -f "$cookiefile"

Save it as and make it executable, chmod +x

Telenor Sweden

Anton Johansson sent me a modified version for Telenor Sweden. Just minor adjustments had to be made.

# Telenor Send SMS Script - by ivc
# 2009-02-03: Initial version

# Settings

# Rest of the script, no editing needed
message=`echo $@|sed -e 's/'"$tonumber"' //g' -e 's/ /%20/g'`
cwd=`dirname $0`

echo -e "\n Telenor Send SMS Shell Script - by ivc\n"

# Some sanitation
if [ -z `which wget` ]; then echo -e "  wget binary is missing or is not in the path, install wget and get back to the script.\n"; exit; fi;
if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ]; then echo -e "  Missing arguments!\n\n  Usage: $0 <number> <text message>\n  E.g. $0 99933322 Hi m8, bouldering today?\n"; exit; fi

# Debug mesages and setup
if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "  Sending message \"$message\" to number $tonumber"; fi

# Login 
echo -e "  Logging in..."
login=`wget --quiet --no-check-certificate -O- --save-cookies=$cookiesfile --keep-session-cookies \

if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$login"; fi

loginsuccessful=`echo $login|grep "Logga ut"`
toomanyattempt=`echo $login|grep "nger och har blivit utel"`

if [ -n "$loginsuccessful" ]; then echo -e "  Successfully logged in.";
elif [ -n "$toomanyattempt" ]; then echo -e "  Server reports too many failed attempts, you need to change your password manually.\n"; exit;
else echo -e "  Failed to log in, check the username and password!\n"; exit; fi

# Send SMS -O- --quiet 
echo -e "  Sending message..."
sendsms=`wget -O- --quiet --load-cookies=$cookiesfile --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate \

if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$sendsms"; fi

sendsmssuccessful=`echo $sendsms|grep "Dina SMS har skickats till"`

if [ -n "$sendsmssuccessful" ]; then echo -e "  Message sent!"; else echo -e "  Failed to send message, try again later.\n"; fi

# SMS left count
smsleft=`wget --quiet -O- --load-cookies=$cookiesfile --no-check-certificate --keep-session-cookies`
if [ $debug == true ]; then echo "$smsleft"; fi

smsleftcount=`echo $smsleft|awk -F"skickat " '{print $2}'|sed 's/<\/b>/ /g'|cut -d" " -f1`

if [ -n "$smsleftcount" ]; then echo -e "\n  You have sent: $smsleftcount messages this month.\n"; fi

# Delete cookies file
rm -f "$cookiesfile"
