Xbox 360 Lite-On DG16D2S Extract Key

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Serial Controller




LiteOn connect wires

Dump Key


Download DVDKey or DVDKey32. Create a dos boot disk, put DVDKey on the flash drive.

Find SATA Port

Dosflash VT6421 or Slax with drive connected



  • Native SATA controller or VIA VT6421A or VT6421L PCI card
  • Power to the Lite-On drive:
    • Either via Team Xecuter Connectivity kit v1/v2 or place the Xbox 360 near the computer

Half Open Tray

The tray has to stay half open during the process. Once the drive tray is half-open it will stay open, not close on the next power up as a normal drive would do.

Note: On some setups it's not needed to have the tray half-open, it works fine with the tray closed.

Eject button method:

  1. Power on the drive
  2. Press the eject button - On the Connectivity Kit or front of the Xbox 360
  3. Remove the power again
  4. Manually press the drive in half-way

Paper clip method:

  1. Locate the black slider on the right-side of the drive
  2. Use a paper clip or screwdriver to press the slider all the way in
  3. The tray should slide or pop out, pull it half-way open

Dumping Procedure

Follow this procedure to dump the key:

  1. Power off the computer
  2. Disconnect power and SATA cable on the Lite-On drive
  3. Connect the serial controller cable to COM1 (first/top port on the back of the machine) - Can be connected all the time if retries
  4. Connect power to the Lite-On drive
  5. Power on the computer
  6. Boot DOS, either from hard drive or a flash drive, DVDKey already installed
  7. Plug in the SATA cable to the Lite-On drive
    • Note: On some computers, the cable can be plugged in before the computer is powered on
  8. Execute DVDKey with the SATA port found above:
    • dvdkey a000
  9. After 20-30 seconds the key will be dumped

The output should be something like this:

c:\DVDKEY>dvdkey a000
Port A000
Drive Present
Wait about 20 seconds

GOT SOMETHING !!!    sona: 03   sega: 54
DVD key:
Seems a GOOD Key!!!!
KEY.BIN saved

PLDS   DG-16D2S      74850XXX



If you got something like this, you need to power down the drive between each try:

c:\DVDKEY>dvdkey a000
Port A000
Drive Present
Wait about 20 seconds

It didn't work, sorry   reg1: 54
DVD key:
Seems NOT a good DVD Key!!! 00 00
KEY.BIN saved

